Brand Lift Studies
Case Study

Assessing brand health impact of digital campaigns with significant media spend

Case Study

  • BRAND:Fortune 500 Brands
  • TYPE:Brand health impact of digital campaigns through primary research

We have worked on custom research studies and added value research studies from media partners, to understand impact of digital campaigns, with significant media spend, on brand health. The work has been primarily for Fortune 500 brands.

We have familiarity with a range of methodologies (pre/post, control/exposed) across both panel and web-intercept research methods. We are aware of measurement methodologies for digital and offline media components, and challenges with differnt methodologies that can influence measurement of impact.

Custom research is an effective tool to understand the impact of integrated media campaigns on brand health, at macro level and granular level such as channel and creative execution.

Primary quantitative research. Control/Exposed sample through single source panels. Pre/Post sample through web intercepts.

Campaign type
Tens of millions of digital brand impressions reaching a significant portion of target audience to enable repersentative sampling of exposed audience.
